venerdì 12 ottobre 2018

Schumann and Florestano

Hello everyone!
 First of all I introduce myself: I am a pianist working in the theater as a maestro collaboratore but my passion is chamber music, especially of the nineteenth-century romantic period.
Lately I started to travel and really the horizons have expanded .. Now I live planning the next destination and look forward every moment. Another passion is photography, I spend afternoons looking for particular corners or landscapes to take away with me. I walk tireless in nature and love cycling.

Returning to music, today I would like to share this piece of Robert Schumann. It is in the form of a ballad, the first of the second book of the Davidsbündlertänze. Schumann's particular sensibility led him to refer to three characters in his compositions. Melancholic and introverted Eusebius, Florestan exuberant impetuous and passionate and Maestro Rare mediator between the two. In this case Florestano comes to life. A few days ago I was overwhelmed by uneasiness and I found relief in studying it.
What do you think? What emotions do you feel?
See you next ...

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